The “ideal resume” today has little resemblance to resumes just a generation or two ago. Access to personal and professional data is much easier for HR departments than it was as recently as the 2000s, removing the need for applicants to include every single little detail about your history.

Filipino business culture today is also quite different, and companies are now more interested in what you can bring to the table and much less interested in your school achievements or who you know.
This means that your resume should also keep up with the times. Here’s how your resume should be in 2019.
1.) Ditch the pictures
Don’t include any pictures unless specifically asked to. Unless you’re getting a modeling job, your picture can unnecessarily prejudice the employer against you, even before the initial interview. By omitting a picture, you’re maximizing your chances by keeping the focus of the resume to your achievements. A picture could only serve to distract and reduce your chances of getting an interview.
2.) Lose the references (unless asked)
Don’t bother to include your references. References are a relic from a time before the internet made it easy to dig up information about virtually anyone. Chances are, any HR department that wants an honest assessment of your performance will just find the contact details of your last places of work and talk to your former supervisors themselves. If they want a reference from you, they’ll just say so.
3.) Match them to your industry and desired company
Different companies have different work cultures. Today, more than ever, employers are looking for employees who are a good fit for their existing culture. A good match can be a predictor of an employee who might stay long at their position and it can mean a smoother experience for everyone involved.
A new tech startup founded by someone in their 20s will almost always be culturally different from that of a finance firm that has been operating for decades. How you write your resume should attempt to appeal to the culture of your prospective employer. The language and the achievements you try to include should appeal to the company’s internal culture when possible.
The specific industry matters too, Creative workers also have some leeway when it comes to their resumes. Check out these creative resumes to see the possibilities.
4.) Layouts should be concise and logical
Regardless of how creative your resume is, the layout of your achievements has to be logical and easy to read. Most HR departments and business owners have a limited amount of time to thoroughly go over resumes, which makes it likely they will simply skip reading the ones that don’t seem to make any sense. A simple chronological layout with the latest experiences at the top usually works the best.
5.) Keep things to one or two pages
For the same reason, it’s usually best to keep your resume short. One or two pages is usually enough, with three pages starting to push it. Omit hobbies and school-related experiences if you’ve already been working for a while.
6.) Your email address should be all business
Make sure to include a neutral, business-like email in your contact section. Many people make the usually forgivable mistake of using a cutesy email address that they’ve been using since they were in high school. While most employers may forgive this small oversight, there are quite a number who may see it as a sign that you don’t care about the small details, which could end up prejudicing your chances of getting the job. If you don’t have an email address that fits the bill, take a few minutes to make a new email account that’s all business.
Before you write the perfect resume, you should first find the perfect job openings. job portal makes it easy for applicants to find the most relevant jobs near them, wherever they are in the Philippines. With its incredible localization features, visiting Mynimo is a no-brainer for anyone on a serious job hunt this year.