Getting good grades in exams is possible when you work smart. Smart work can lead you to the path of success. Attending lectures regularly and submitting assignments on time is of keen significance. However, it is important to mention that the assignments made should not be a piece of formality. These must contain high-quality content that depicts your effort. With plagiarism software, you can check the quality of your content through the analysis of duplicate content.


Everyone desires to excel in an academic career, which has emphasized the need for plagiarism software. The plagiarism checker tool was not much easy to approach in the beginning. People have to pay money to check plagiarism earlier, but now, the access is free for all. Free access has brought a  great deal of relaxation to the user’s life. However, the authenticity of SEO free online tools should be checked before using it.

Plagiarism software:

Tap and get access to the amazing plagiarism checker tool. Plagiarism software is used worldwide, and there are 5 lakh plus users of this tool which detects plagiarism on a daily basis. With the seven years of excellence in plagiarism detection, it has grabbed the trust of its users. The people who use it once, use it frequently.

You can rely on the tools of plagiarism software fully as it claims to maintain the privacy and safety of the content. After working, it deletes the content from history to prevent all sorts of mishandling. Hence the issue of any sort of privacy regarding the content gets solved by using the most reliable and authentic SEO online tool. Feel free to use the reliable and popular online SEO tool the way you want. Even the user can use it as many times as you want.

Features of plagiarism software:

Get plagiarism software tools from and check plagiarism. The tool is helpful in accessing and detecting the plagiarism types in the least time. There is a complete guide on the website to help you in making things understandable. This web-based tool is made of advanced technology (artificial intelligence)  to ensure proper detection.

In the end, it provides reports telling the plagiarised content and the source as well. You can confirm the plagiarised content form the sources and change its wording to prevent plagiarism. It has following major features :

  • This amazing software has a large database at its back by which it does the deep search and analysis of the content.
  • The files can be entered from the device or dropbox.
  • There is an increased word limit of this tool than many other tools.
  • The report is generated in pdf form at the end.
  • You can exclude the links of the sources.
  • The reports can be downloaded.

Working process of plagiarism software:

When the data is entered in the plagiarism software, it does a deep analysis of the context and compares it with the already present database. It finds the exact match areas and underlines it. The user enters the file as a query in the input section, and the plagiarism software finds the similarities of this content with the content of books, articles, internet stuff, newspapers, and much more.

The highlighted area represents the duplicated stuff, and from it is duplicated is mentioned on the side or bottom of the content in the form of URLs. The plagiarism checker software has a built-in grammar checker and spelling checker in it that highlights the prominent errors in other colors.

The credibility of plagiarisms software:

If you are going to use a plagiarism checker tool for the very first time, then there are chances that you get trapped by scammers or poor quality software. Such sub-standards software is harmful to you. These Softwares ask for your detailed personal information that is not required at all. In another way, this software leaks the content to the internet when you enter for the detection of plagiarism.

On the other hand, plagiarism checker has high-security management. It deals with the content of the user very carefully and does the process of analysis and detection. After the detection of duplication and report generation, the entered files are removed from the software immediately to make the files secure from leaking. The software on which you cannot trust if of no worth.

Regular updating of the database:

With the passage of time, some plagiarism checker tools lose their authenticity of the results. Because these tools do not focus on adding the latest publications to the database, this leads to the false detection of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a superb plagiarism checker as it updates its database more frequently than others to get authentic and valid results all the time.

By Chakraborty

Dr Chakrabarty is the Chief Innovation Officer of IntuiComp TeraScience. Earlier she was Assistant Professor of Delhi University, a QS ranked university in India. Before that she has held research positions in IIT Mumbai, IIT Chennai and IISc Bangalore. She holds 2 patents and over 20 research publications in her name which are highly cited. Her area of research is in smart technologies, integrated devices and communications. She also has a penchant for blogging and is an editor of Business Fundas.