Every business, whether small or big, has to look for ways to market and promote itself as well as its brands. Among the several tools available, custom shopping bags are one of the most effective, affordable, and convenient ways to get the word about your brand out there. Their eco-friendly nature makes them even more appealing to customers, and since they can be carried everywhere, you can be sure they will disseminate your marketing message effectively.

Here are some reasons why your brand would benefit from custom shopping bags:

Promote your brand

The greatest purpose of a promotional tool is to promote the brand of the company employing it. Custom bags with imprinted company logo help to create and maintain your brand recognition. Your customers will always think about your brand whenever they reach for a bag that you have customised with the company logo, colors, and other branding messages. Furthermore, whenever they take the custom bags with them, they will be promoting your brand and offerings to everyone they meet. It is also a strong message when your customers carry and use your branded custom bags because this is the best type of endorsement. Everyone who sees them with the bag, such as friends, colleagues, and family, get a positive association with the brand.

Custom bags are cost-effective

Although many businesses want to use creative promotional tools and ads such as print and electronic ads, these tools may be more than their budgets can accommodate. While some tools such as billboards, radio, and TV commercials can reach so many people quite quickly, their cost could be prohibitive. Getting a custom bag to do a promotion means that these must-have items perform double duty as both a promotional tool and carrier item.  Businesses can get bulk quantities of custom shopping bags and have them customised with their logos and colors and achieve their promotional goals for a much lower costs. To effectively execute this method of brand promotion, businesses should work with reliable custom bags manufacturers such as Rocketbags to get the best quality bags at the most competitive prices in the market.

Custom bags benefit your brand’s image

Most customers associate custom bags with high-end stores and established businesses, so the bags give your brand a significant boost. Since the bags leave a lot of room for creativity, businesses can have their bags in vibrant colors with ingenious designs which, together with the logo and other marketing messages, can communicate volumes about their brand, thereby attracting new customers and building loyalty among their existing customers.

Custom bags can hold more freebies

Did you know that what customers enjoy more than giveaways are additional giveaways? Well, now you know. The custom shopping bags that your business could be giving out during events such as trade fairs or company parties can carry other promotional items such as flyers, calendars, and other things you could be giving out to take home with them. That way, the custom bags enhance the spreading of more promotional tools and perform their promotional tasks.


With the great competition in the market and need to use promotional tools that are cost-effective, efficient, and smart, businesses should consider custom shopping bags. They will also give an impression of a business that cares for the environment, thus endearing the brand to both existing and prospective customers.

By Eddy Z

Eddy is the editorial columnist in Business Fundas, and oversees partner relationships. He posts articles of partners on various topics related to strategy, marketing, supply chain, technology management, social media, e-business, finance, economics and operations management. The articles posted are copyrighted under a Creative Commons unported license 4.0. To contact him, please direct your emails to [email protected].