Content marketing can be fun for those who are creative and excited about sharing their expertise on a topic. However, most small businesses don’t have the time or energy to give their content marketing strategies the attention it needs to be truly great. Outsourcing your media creation may be your best option.

The Content Marketing Institute reports that 70 percent of brands actually hire an outside company or freelancer to handle their media needs. Here are a few reasons that they find it to be worthwhile.

Regular High Quality Content

Current research indicates that brands that publish content online and on social channels at regular and frequent intervals are much more likely to reach their chosen audience, grow a rapid following, and increase their revenues as a result.

A content marketing agency or appointed freelance media creator will put all their efforts into creating a content calendar and publishing content regularly. They’ll engage with commenters and provide a steady platform on which you can build marketing success.

Save Money

The alternative to getting fantastic, regular media is hiring a media professional in-house. Many corporations take this step and successfully build a media empire. But small businesses often don’t have the resources to maintain this style of operation, and trying to hire someone in-house may not pay for itself quickly enough.

Freelance workers or contracted companies are often more affordable and easy to work with than in-house employees. You only have to pay a stated sum without taking out taxes, paying benefits, or providing other perks you would have to give to a full-time employee.

Enjoy Flexibility

Most media contract agreements are built on an as-needed basis. Contractors are not guaranteed a certain amount of content each month–you simply give them what you have. That way, you’re not paying a full week’s wage to someone who only worked one day.

You can also pause content creation if need be. You might experience budget problems or try an alternative form of media creation. Either way, there shouldn’t be a penalty for pausing your orders and minimizing your financial obligation.

Work on Your Specialty

Perhaps the biggest benefit is your ability to focus solely on your specialty rather than on details that can easily be delegated to someone else. It takes a lot of energy and creativity to come up with appropriate content for your company, and you need to be putting that into building your business.

A big part of running a successful business is trusting others who are qualified for the job to handle day-to-day operations. You can’t do everything yourself, and it’s not always feasible to hire in-house. Your decision to outsource your content creation to a company or freelancer who specializes in it will save you major time and money in the future.

By Chakraborty

Dr Chakrabarty is the Chief Innovation Officer of IntuiComp TeraScience. Earlier she was Assistant Professor of Delhi University, a QS ranked university in India. Before that she has held research positions in IIT Mumbai, IIT Chennai and IISc Bangalore. She holds 2 patents and over 20 research publications in her name which are highly cited. Her area of research is in smart technologies, integrated devices and communications. She also has a penchant for blogging and is an editor of Business Fundas.