Hackers are a major global problem – and there’s no sign of them going away any time soon. 

Over the past decade, cybersecurity has become a major focus point for businesses. Through strengthening and bolstering their cybersecurity measures, businesses are protecting their important data and files, which are two assets that hackers love to get their hands on. 

Unfortunately, hackers are getting smarter with how they operate. For example, they now use anonymous email services to send out dangerous emails to innocent employees. The chances of these emails being successfully traced are really low, especially when hackers use VPNs or TOR to help them. 

Therefore, you need to protect your business website at all costs. There’s no room for laziness or complacency, as hackers can strike at any time. Keep reading for five of the very best security tips to stop hackers. 

  • Outsource your website maintenance

Whether you’re an independent freelancer or a business owner with 100 employees, your website requires expert maintenance. Usually, in-house employees aren’t capable of doing this. This is why you should outsource your website maintenance to professionals. 

  • Ensure you use an SSL certificate 

Using an SSL certificate is vital for your business. Without one, you’re putting your business at risk. But what exactly are the benefits of an SSL certificate? Let’s take a look: 

  • They certificates keep user data secure and protected
  • They stop hackers from making copy versions of your website. For example, a hacker could create a replica version of your website, tricking customers into transferring their bank details to them
  • User trust increases because they can see your website is safe and verified 
  • Avoid dangerous phishing links 

Phishing is a major problem in the business world, right now. 

If you don’t know what phishing is, here’s a clear explanation: 

Phishing is when an attacker sends a deceiving and fraudulent message – usually an email or text – designed to trick the receiver into clicking a link that contains a virus. 

To avoid your website being hacked (as well as other important digital locations, such as bank accounts), you need to avoid any phishing attempts made by hackers. Often, hackers will send phishing links to company emails, so you and your team should be trained to immediately spot them and warn fellow employees. 

Your business computers and laptops should also be installed with antivirus software to provide further protection.

Remember, hackers have no ethics, so the important over this cannot be overstated. 

  • Don’t rely on cheap servers

If your website’s servers are cheap, they’re more susceptible to downtime and attacks. Even if you’re looking to cut costs, you should avoid opting for cheap website servers. Instead, invest in high-quality ones. In the long-term, you won’t regret it. 

  • Only provide admin access to relevant employees 

The employees who have access to your business website is up to you – but only the relevant (and qualified) ones should, such as in-house IT staff, should have access. Allowing admin access to non-specialist employees can lead to all sorts of problems, such as accidental data leaks to intentional sharing of important information. 

Keep your website password protected – and carefully assign admin accounts – to prevent this from happening. 

By Eddy

Eddy is the editorial columnist in Business Fundas, and oversees partner relationships. He posts articles of partners on various topics related to strategy, marketing, supply chain, technology management, social media, e-business, finance, economics and operations management. The articles posted are copyrighted under a Creative Commons unported license 4.0. To contact him, please direct your emails to [email protected].