Mark Twain once said, “The difference between picking the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between lightning and a lighting bug.” There can be little doubt that Twain wasn’t thinking about SEO and keywords when he said that, but the sentiment is the same.


Choosing the right keywords and keyword phrases are the most important elements in a successful search engine optimization (SEO) effort. Not only that, but the more good keywords that are put into use the better. This article is designed to help you pick the very best keywords for your SEO uses. Third Angle Marketing can be of immense benefit to these efforts too.

How to Pick the Right Keywords

  • Think Just Like a User.

 To pick the right keywords, think like a customer. After an initial keyword list is created, think “If I wanted to find this particular product or service, what words would I search for on Google?” The answers that come will probably be good, but be sure to ask others for their input too. It’s in cases like this that the more really is merrier. The more keywords that can be put into play, the more opportunities you will have to get attention from people looking for your product or service.

  • Check Out the Competition.

 As long as you are doing research, why not check out your competition to find out what keywords are in use? Check out their content closely to pick up not only keywords, but metatags too. This technique will give you more ideas for keywords that might be missing and will help to broaden your own list as well.

  • Understand Long-Tail Keywords

Words and phrases that contain three or more words are called long-tail keywords. These phrases work just like single words, only better. Long tail keywords tend to increase lower search result volumes as well as drive more relevant traffic to a website. Make sure to pick long-tail keywords that help to specify the product or service being offered. Long-tail keywords will also be less competitive and be easier to rank on.

  • Use Research Tools.

 Finding the best keywords is much easier if you use tools such as Google Ads and others. Some tools, such as SEMRUSH and Raventools, are immensely helpful in gathering data on keyword volumes, trends, and competition. In fact, trying to find the right keywords without these tools shortchanges your efforts.

  • Analyze Results

Finding the best keywords is an ongoing project. Just when you think you have found the perfect list of keywords, further analysis will present new and better ones. This is good because it will give more ways to stop a user in their tracks on your website. Finding keywords should be an ongoing process.

Finding the best keywords for your small business isn’t a one-shot deal. As mentioned above, it’s a continual process. And, once you have found keywords, don’t just use them once. Use them, use them everywhere, and use them whenever possible. Add your keywords in blog posts, metatags, social media, and in your website content. It’s no secret that the more you use keywords the more attention will be garnered for your website, making it easier for your customers to find you.

By Eddy

Eddy is the editorial columnist in Business Fundas, and oversees partner relationships. He posts articles of partners on various topics related to strategy, marketing, supply chain, technology management, social media, e-business, finance, economics and operations management. The articles posted are copyrighted under a Creative Commons unported license 4.0. To contact him, please direct your emails to [email protected].