7 Tips for sustaining online business relationships
Social networking is the mantra of the day. People and organizations are increasingly getting dependent on social networks in the course of everyday life and business. It is revolutionizing the…
Chrome Touch: Or is it Chrome vs I-Pad?
An exciting revelation about Google: that the magician company may be looking to incorporate touch features in their Chrome operating system. This would pitch Chrome's capabilities against that of Apple's…
Riding the uncertainty wave – 5 Mantras for Success
The economic slump of 2009 has seen many companies struggling for survival. While some made it, others didn't. This article provides some insights on what caused such a difference of…
A winning framework for market entry strategies
A market entry strategy is the planned method of delivering goods or services to a new target market and distributing them there. This article talks about the critical issues that…
Beowolf Clusters: Cheap supercomputers for poorer pockets
Beowolf cluster: Supercomputers for the poor.
7 reasons why Apple’s I-Pad may fail.
Amidst a lot of hype as always, today 27th January, 2010, Apple launches the I-Pad. While it is being viewed as the product that will rejuvenate Apple’s revenues for years…
How to tackle the problem of security breaches in call centers
Outsourcing is the mantra of the day. Today, many large MNCs, all across the globe, outsource activities like customer relationship management activities to cheap labor countries where English speaking skills…
Comparative analysis of Facebook, MySpace & Orkut
Facebook, MySpace and Orkut are three of the most popular social networking sites available today. But how do they compare against each other while all of them were in operations?
7 secrets to successful online marketing
Some e-markets become success stories while others fail. Time and again, e-markets like e-Bay and Amazon.com have become super success stories while certain sites like Rediff-shopping have sustained themselves in…
Top 10 trends in Information Management technologies
Information management appears to be the talk of the day amongst all technology buzz. Information management or IM is the collection and management of information from one or more sources…
Speech technologies: The way ahead for inclusive development
Research institutes like IBM Research Labs, Media Labs Asia, NCST, C-DAC, institutes like the IITs, IIMs among others, have taken up dozens of challenging projects to try filling the gap…
Understanding mobile commerce: How can it be successful
Mobile Commerce (m-commerce) refers to any transactions conducted through a variety of mobile devices over a wireless telecommunication. M-commerce was initially expected to experience a substantial growth for rapid proliferation…