Most people dream about working for themselves, and these days it’s easier than ever to start your own small home business. There are tons of options, and you can find something to do full time or simply something to do part time when you have time away from your day job. Many of the tips below will point you in the direction of a small home business that doesn’t cost a ton of money to start up. As your business grows you can put back the money you are making into it for more supplies.

Come Up With An Idea

The first step in starting your own small home business is to come up with an idea of what you want to do. Do you want to sell things, create things, or maybe you simply want to be a writer or a photographer.

Your idea can be based on something you’ve seen or something you’ve always wanted to do. It’s really not that hard to come up with a great business idea, and you have plenty of time to think about it while you do some research on what may make money in your area.

You Don’t Need A Ton Of Overhead

Since this is a home business you won’t need to worry about saving up money for rent or paying double the bills because of your office or showroom. Your basic overhead will depend on what type of business venture you decide to take.

If you find you do need some startup money and you can’t afford it, look into crowdfunding. Even just a couple hundred dollars can be easy to raise using crowdfunding, allowing friends, family and strangers to help you start your own business.

Consider Direct Sales

There are probably a hundred direct sales opportunities out there with start up costs ranging from $10 to a couple hundred dollars. The key to finding the right direct sales business for yourself is to look for one that contains things that interest you.

If you enjoy makeup and beauty products Avon and Mary Kay could be the right businesses for you. If you enjoy wellness, look to things like It Works. Take some time to research. You can sell anything from dishes to food and bags to jewelry.

Create Your Own Items

If you prefer to sell your own items instead of someone else’s, come up with something you can create, whether it’s arts or crafts. Maybe you make a mean quilt or you are an amazing sculptor. You can sell your items online at sites like Etsy, or do craft shows throughout the year.

Finds A Sales Outlet

Your direct sales business will likely have a website you can sell from, but many craft fairs now allow direct sellers to set up booths as well as crafters. Other ways you can make money are through home parties and direct to friends (and strangers).

There are a lot of great options out there for people wanting to run their own small businesses. Don’t be afraid to try something new!

By Eddy

Eddy is the editorial columnist in Business Fundas, and oversees partner relationships. He posts articles of partners on various topics related to strategy, marketing, supply chain, technology management, social media, e-business, finance, economics and operations management. The articles posted are copyrighted under a Creative Commons unported license 4.0. To contact him, please direct your emails to [email protected].