In an increasingly digital business ecosystem, many companies are struggling with adopting new ways to promote their companies. This is especially true for older brands that need to adapt to new techniques in order to compete. Public relations is crucial for businesses in order to help build their brand identity and reach their target market. 

Unfortunately, with the proliferation of influencer marketing and social media, many businesses think public relations is dead. However, public relations is thriving; it has merely evolved on the digital end, adapting to the Internet-driven economy. Here’s why public relations isn’t dead, and why your business needs it:

The New Public Relations

The world of public relations has changed over the past decade. According to a report from the University of Southern California, 90% of current public relations executives don’t believe that public relations is a term that will accurately describe their position five years from now. Instead, public relation has become closely integrated with marketing and eliminating the traditional, siloed approach to PR. With the social media and digital revolution, the typical PR worker needs to merge a more diverse set of aligned skills. 

Building Trust

Today’s consumers know what they’re looking for and are much more interested in building emotional connections with brands. Trust is at the forefront of brand-consumer relationships, which means the traditional way of PR is no longer a traditional angle. 

In the past, public relation firms used media to shape and frame the narrative, ultimately influencing public perceptions. This meant constant pitching and generic introductions in an effort to score media placements. However, with digital content at the forefront, consumers today expect authenticity more than anything. They don’t want to be sold a product, they want to be told a story. 

Improve Your Ranking

What is digital PR? And how can it affect your rankings? By now, chances are you understand the importance of search engine optimization. Take a look at some of the recent SEO statistics, and you’ll quickly see why businesses cannot afford to overlook optimization efforts. Public relations aids those efforts by improving your ranking. 

According to Exults Marketing, “One of the core tactics used in Digital PR is search engine optimization to boost website rankings and control how your brand mentions appear in the search results.” 

Brand mentions are also crucial for link building—one of Google’s most important ranking factors. Each time your business is mentioned and linked online, Google views this as a vote that further strengthens your credibility. 

Generating Business Leads

No matter what industry you’re in, generating business leads can mean the difference between a successful company and a failing company. Getting press mentions and coverage can bring in prospects that you may not have found otherwise. PR agencies work hard to hone in on your demographic and score coverage in media outlets that align with your brand image. For instance, if you recently launched a progressive travel agency, getting a mention in a popular travel magazine could result in a slew of new leads and revenue possibilities. 

Building Credibility

Getting press isn’t just about acquiring leads. It also helps build credibility for your company. If you take a look at some of your favorite brand websites, chances are you’ll find a section that curates press mentions. Press mentions serve as proof that your company is legitimate, which can mean the difference between a lead and a lost opportunity. 

On the same token, each press mention you get offers a new content opportunity. Share your mentions and news on social media platforms and build press releases with a news angle geared towards those mentions. Lastly, the right media placements can even attract potential investors, and increase your viability as a stable investment option. 

Talent Recruitment

Strong public relations campaigns don’t only attract clients and customers, but they also attract potential talent as well. By increasing your visibility, you can also attract some of the best talent in your field. A solid PR strategy helps build thought leadership in your industry, making your business more appealing to potential employees. With access to great talent, you can further propel your business growth and achieve your goals.

By Eddy Z

Eddy is the editorial columnist in Business Fundas, and oversees partner relationships. He posts articles of partners on various topics related to strategy, marketing, supply chain, technology management, social media, e-business, finance, economics and operations management. The articles posted are copyrighted under a Creative Commons unported license 4.0. To contact him, please direct your emails to [email protected].